Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ta daaa!

Here is the final product - a beautiful pond with decking.  It looks like a bit like a diving board now, but after planting has taken hold this will become a beautiful quiet spot to observe the pond's life evolving.  We already have our first visitors/residents (other than Asha having a drink),  2 Waterboatmen have been spotted skating on the surface of the water and then diving deep.  For more info:  http://www.buglife.org.uk/discoverbugs/bugofthemonth/Waterboatmen

Planting begins at the end of October.  I'll have to borrow Granny's waders to get in and dig into the banks.  But isn't it beautiful?  Once the plants are in and things start to grow - its going to be so much fun next Spring as things start to unfold.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

New(t) Hotel

The pond liner needs to be protected from anything sharp, so first a membrane is laid on the earth, then a thick layer of sand and sharp sand is put down to act as a cushion and protect the liner should any stones surface underneath and also when the water pushes the liner down into the earth.

The liner is then placed in position - very heavy, as you can see Asha had to be called in to help.

We then decided to pump out the well to put water into the pond - only to find that, despite the wettest August ever - there was only about 6ft of water in there.  We decided to pump it in anyway as it is run off water from the land and any microbacterial life will help to populate the pond and break down the chlorine from the tap water we will also have to use.

So the pond is now half full and the earth is being bashed into the sides.  Once that is in position all around, we can add more water and then the next exciting part starts - planting and the observation deck.  We can hear the frogs, newts packing up their old residences and heading our way - the latest luxury living space is nearly ready!  Any Kingfishers???

All the hard work done by Jon Seddon www.wpaving.co.uk

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pond Update

Because our house is built on greensand clay the foundations had to be dug very deep.  The original builders then had to spread the excess soil around to create a workable landscape, but they were not allowed to take down any more trees.  They created some space for these trees but they didn't do well in the dip as water gathered there and they were rotting.

We took the trees down in April and last week the work began on creating a pond.  First the digger pulled up all the old roots, then the groundwork started to create the basic shape and now they have laid a membrane down, covered it with sand and will lay another membrane down - BEFORE laying the liner.  The reason for this is to protect the liner from any sharp stones that may surface underneath.  If the liner gets ripped it is all over!

Here is the liner laid out ready, it will be fitted once the ground, membrane and sand work have been completed.  It is rectangular but will be fitted to create a soft rounded shape for the pond.  

Brilliant work by Jon and Steve of Whyte Leaf Paving Ltd  www.wpaving.co.uk